The motivated employee/The responsible employer

Better payment? Attractive work? Much free time? More responsibilities? What will stimulate the employee to work in an efficient way and deliver results on time?
Remember: the employee is not a guinea pig! A motivation strategy is implemented in response to the employee’s personality. Motivation is an inherent state of spirit. It shows the inner comfort and willingness to work. Motivators can be factors too little related to the working environment. On the other hand the organizational culture influences the choice and further adoption of techniques for motivation.
The responsible employer has a good sense for the employees. He/she notices their attitude and reactions and adapts managerial tactics to the changing working environment. Openness for a dialogue with employees, two-way feedback, transparency in managerial decisions are key factors to gain employees’ loyalty. Work is not only a means of subsistence, it is a symbol of status in the society and for some people - a sign of personal prestige, a factor for high self-esteem, and a mark of security. Work and the physical workspace can be that shelter that some people are looking for while nothing else in their lives is of much importance for them. For some people work is between 9:00 and 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Such contradictory attitudes could be a source of tension in the team.
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